Saturday, February 5, 2011

star Trek or Star Wars????

How will you decide which to watch?  Star Trek or Star Wars?  A question that many have asked themselves.  First off let me say that the Star Trek movies came around as a result of Star Wars.  After star wars cam out the creators of star trek said hey we have something like that.  However they really never planned on the Star Trek movies to become so big.  In a interview Leonard Nimoy who played Spock said “After every movie was done the tore down the sets or sold them because they didn’t know if another movie would happen.  Then they had to build the exact set again for the next one.” 
Now when you think about it Star Trek fans are called Trekkies.  First off what is a Trekkie and how is it different from a Star Wars fan?  According to  Trekkies are often fans of using great restraint when possible and overwhelming in nature. Most of the aliens they meet look vaguely like humans who had a bad experience with a wax factory, and fans of Star Wars are gluttons for sci-fi punishment. They either love being the all-powerful evil being or the scrappy underdog. Trekkies are rarely underdogs. Star Wars aliens seem to have either scales or fur and are also roughly humanoid in nature.
The choice is up to you.  has a good article that tells about both when breaking it down. As for me I choose both.

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